Correctional Industries Advisory Council

The Correctional Industries Advisory Council provides advice to assist with the implementation and development of prison industries in the Northern Territory by:

  • providing policy advice to the department which seeks to develop correctional industries and provide prisoners with employment opportunities, accredited vocational training and skills which lead to employment upon release 
  • guidance on appropriate correctional industries for capacity building for remote Indigenous communities
  • providing advice on business and enterprise or industrial project opportunities
  • guidance on work environments for prisoners and aspects of work health and safety
  • bringing a diversity of skills, perspectives and opinions in regards to the sustainable use of prison industries resources.

Roles and responsibilities 

The primary role of the council includes all of the following:

  • to promote the opportunities for prison industries to support local businesses with skilled labour, in particular skilled Indigenous people
  • to advise on appropriate business and enterprise opportunities or projects to build capacity, in particular selecting and pursuing the most suitable income-producing projects
  • identify and attract strategic partners with business synergies by establishing and maintaining effective networks and relationships with prospective clients and stakeholders
  • identify and attract local businesses to train and employ Indigenous people from corrective services as apprentices
  • report on the development of the correctional industries, including the maintenance of an effective grievance-handling mechanism
  • to encourage post-release work placement opportunities for prisoners.


Members include representatives from the department, peak employment bodies, industry, unions and the community.

To find out more about the council call (08) 8935 7472.

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